SERMON – Beauty for Rahab’s Ashes
Joshua 2 Mira Sawlani Joyner https://archive.org/download/sermon382020beautyforrehabsashesmirasawlanijoyner/Sermon%203-8-2020%20Beauty%20for%20Rehabs%20Ashes%20-%20Mira%20Sawlani-Joyner.m4a
SERMON – The Problems of Pain
Luke 7:36-50 Zakiya Jackson https://archive.org/download/theproblemsofpainzakiyajackson2232020/The%20Problems%20of%20Pain%20-%20Zakiya%20Jackson%202-23-2020.m4a
SERMON – When the Enemy Attacks
Genesis 3:13-15 Minister Rahiel Msazurwa https://archive.org/download/sermon2.16.20raheilmsazurwa/Sermon%202.16.20%20-%20Raheil%20Msazurwa.m4a
Doctrine of Discovery Workshop Week 2
The second installment of our 4-part workshop on the Doctrine of Discovery. https://archive.org/download/markcharlesweek2/markcharlesweek2.mp3
Sermon Audio: Beyond Crocodile Tears
Beyond Crocodile Tears Hosea 6:1 – 11 Sept. 28, 2008 Peace Fellowship Sermons Rev. Dennis Edwards, MDiv, MA, PhD Listen to streaming audio +Download mp3 audio +Get multiple formats and sermon details
Hebrews Week 6 Study Questions
A Friend in High Places (Hebrews 7:1-28) This week’s questions: 1. In what ways does the character of Melchizedek foreshadow the person of Jesus, according to the author of Hebrews? 2. Hebrews has consistently maintained that Jesus is a priest forever in the “line” of Melchizedek (5: 6, 10, 6: 20, 7: 11, 17 & […]