Potluck and Congregational Meeting:1/26, after service
Join us after service on January 26th for our potluck and congregational meeting. Bring a dish to share with the congregation. Members and regular attenders are encouraged to stay for the meeting to hear updates and announcements of what is going in the life of our church. See you there!
Women’s Fellowship: 2/8, 10am
Please save the date for February 8th at 10am for a special women’s fellowship! More details to come.
Important Dates from the Pastoral Search Team: This past Sunday, the pastoral search committee recommended Pastor Peter Chin as the candidate for our church to confirm as our permanent pastor! Please take a look at the following next steps for our congregation:
1. Next Sunday, January 26, we will have time for extended discussion as a congregation about Pastor Chin’s candidacy.
2. On Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 7 pm Pastor Chin will lead a Bible study for us during our monthly prayer service. Small groups will not meet that week.
3. On Sunday , Feb. 9, Pastor Chin will preach a “candidating sermon” followed by a meal time and fellowship with the Chin family.
3. On Sunday, Feb. 16 members will vote on whether to affirm Pastor Chin as our next Senior Pastor after service.