Sermon Podcast
May 20, 2018 https://archive.org/download/20180520JesusLordofPentecostDelonteGholston/2018-05-20JesusLordofPentecostDelonteGholston.mp3 Rev. Delonte Gholston | Acts 2:14-41 | Jesus, Lord of Pentecost
SERMON – Sent: Empowered
Acts 1: 1-7 Pastor Delonte Gholston https://archive.org/download/20180204SentEmpoweredDelonteGholston/2018-02-04%20Sent%20Empowered%20Delonte%20Gholston.mp3
SERMON: Limiting God
Acts 11:1-8 Rev. Dr. Youtha Hardman-Cromwell https://archive.org/download/LimitingGod/Limiting%20God.mp3
SERMON: Catching Fire
Acts 2:1-21 Rachelle Lyndaker-Schlabach
SERMON: Hippo Testimony
Acts 7:54-60 Pastor James Ellis III
SERMON: The Unexpected Spirit
Acts 8:26-40 David Cho
SERMON: Beyond Colorblindness – Diversity and the Great Commission
Acts 11: 19-26 Dakota Pippins
SERMON: A Diverse Community
Acts 2, 10 and Revelation, 7, 21 Peter Chin
SERMON: It’s not how you start, but how you finish that matters
Acts 28:11-31 Dr. Dennis Edwards
SERMON: Captive For Christ
Acts 25 and 26 Dr. Dennis Edwards