A Disciplined Runner
(Hebrews 12)
This week’s questions:
1. How do feel about the “huge crowd of witnesses” to the faith (v. 1)? Are you encouraged? Intimidated? Motivated?
2. In v. 1 the author instructs us to “strip off every weight that slows us down.” Another translation (NIV) says, “Throw off everything that hinders.” In addition to the sin that hinders (NLT), entangles (NIV) or besets (KJV), what else can distract us from the things of God?
3. How is Jesus “The champion who initiates and perfects our faith” (v. 2)?
4. Verse fourteen tells us to “live in peace with everyone.” How is this accomplished when we encounter people who are unabashedly antagonistic and contrary toward us or otherwise “not holy” in some sort of way? Explain.