Peace Fellowship Church Easter Praise Band
Join the Peace Fellowship Easter Praise Band featuring songs celebrating our Risen Lord! Recorded live at Peace Fellowship Church, Washington, DC on April 16, 2017. https://archive.org/download/20170416PFCEasterPraiseBand/2017-04-16%20PFC%20Easter%20Praise%20Band.mp3
SERMON – Are We Wicked Servants?
Luke 20:9-18 Dr. Youtha Hardman-Cromwell https://archive.org/download/20170416AreWeWickedServantsYouthaHardmanCromwell/2017-04-16%20Are%20We%20Wicked%20Servants%20Youtha%20Hardman-Cromwell.mp3
SERMON: Same World, Different Mindset
Colossians 3:1-4 Pastor James Ellis
SERMON: Peter, Paul and Mary: Blowin In The Wind
John 21: 1-23, 1 Corinthians 15:3-20, John 20:11-18 Dr. Dennis Edwards