Peace Fellowship Prayer Service
Join us for a special Sunday service dedicated to prayer. The elders of the church lead the congregation in prayer in three parts: Personal Prayers, Church and Community Prayers, and Global Prayers. Times of prayer are interspersed with praise and worship selections.
MUSIC: Pastor D And His Edifyin’, Soul Flyin’, Mystifyin’ Praise Band
Excerpts from a Praise Band practice session featuring Pastor Dennis on sax and vocals. Recorded June 12, 2011. Mixed and mastered June 14, 2011. A CrossPeace Production. 2011-06-12 Aint No Rock 2011-06-12 Aint No Rock with vox 2011-06-12 Rock of Ages Instrumental 2011-06-12 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms The Link at the Peace Fellowship Church […]
MUSIC: Praise and Worship March 6, 2011
Excerpts from the Choir and Worship Team of Peace Fellowship Church, Washington, DC from the March 6, 2001 Sunday Service.
MUSIC: Peace Fellowship Church Youth Choir
The Peace Fellowship Youth Choir under the direction of Jason Edwards leads the congregation in worship during Youth Sunday November 14, 2010. Special thanks to Mario and Phil for their excellent mixing.