Pastoral Search Timeline
The Pastoral Search Committee is excited to announce Reverend James Ellis III as candidate for Senior Pastor of Peace Fellowship Church.
Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm, pastoral candidate will lead a bible study at the church.
Sunday, March 16th the candidate will preach a candidating sermon followed by a meal, time of fellowship, and a Q & A session.
Sunday, March 23rd the pastoral search committee members will be available after service for questins and additional congregational discussion.
Sunday, March 30th the congregation will vote, during our monthly congregational meeting, on whether to affirm the pastoral candidate as Senior Pastor.
Palm Sunday/Easter Choir
Interested in joyfully celebrating the end of the Lenten season? Consider being a part of our next seasonal choir ensemble! No experience necessary, just a desire to worship our risen Lord through song! See Jason Edwards if you’re interested; sign-up sheet is also located in the front of the church building.
Youth Dinner: 3/15, 7pm
All Peace Fellowship Church teens are invited to Kristen’s house at 7pm on Saturday, March 15th for dinner (Made by our very own Chef Jerald Haskins). Adults are also welcome to attend! Adults are needed to help with rides, cooking, or just to hang out and get to know our youth! Please let Andrea Cofield or Kristen Erbelding know if you plan to attend.
Congregational Meeting: 3/30
Please mark your calendar! In addition to voting on confirmation of Rev. Ellis as our next Senior Pastor, we will also vote to affirm the following four individuals as elders:
Michelle Prout
Kristi McGhee
Dakota Pippins
Johonna McCants
We will need a quorum for these votes, so we hope that all members are able to attend.
Upcoming Events
4/4-4/6: Youth Retreat