Hebrews Week 3 Study Questions

January 27, 2008
Hard Head, Hard Heart, Hard Time!
(Hebrews 3:1—4:13)

Discussion Questions:

1. In this week’s passage, Hebrews’ author is interpreting Psalm 95 in light of Jesus. He tells us to “think” about Him. Read the Psalm in its entirety. What is the significance of the author’s sense of urgency in thinking about and “listening to Jesus’ voice ‘today’” (see vv. 3: 7, 13, 15 & 4: 7)?

2. Check out Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 13-14. These situations appear to be what is behind Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3:16-19. What do you think of the Israelites in those passages? Are we ever like that today?

3. “God’s rest” is another phrase that came up many times in our passage (see 3: 11, 18, 19 & 4: 1-11). What are some ways of understanding God’s rest and what does it have to do with the Sabbath?

4. Review the ways that the author gives to insure that his audience will “enter God’s rest” (i.e., the list from the sermon, or make a new list based on places like 3:16-19; 4:11-13).

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