Sermon Audio: What If God Wrote Us A Letter?

Revelation 2:1-3:22
Rev. Dennis Edwards MDiv, MA, PhD

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2 responses to “Sermon Audio: What If God Wrote Us A Letter?”

  1. I’d like to pass on the title of a book that might help you see the Book of Revelation in a more devotional way. It is called Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination. It is by Eugene H. Peterson (yes, the man who did The Message). Maybe you’ll find his reflections helpful. the book is small, less than 200 pages (not counting the endnotes).

  2. I love this series! It’s quite rich and I really appreciate Pastor making this difficult book both accessible and useful. One sermon point that grabbed my attention is that the understanding of “angel” is quite possibly different than I had ever imagined. The portion of the letter covered is addressed to the “angels” of the churches. I had always thought of angels as a reference to the pastors or bishops of these churches. These human leaders are heaven’s messengers to their congregations I thought. However, Pastor points out that the word “angel” in the book consistently refers to heavenly beings. He shares the idea that the angels are in some sense an unseen spiritual authority behind the churches. Wow! Pastor Dennis reminds us that John receives the message of Revelations mediated through an angel. Pastor suggests that in the same way the message of God is mediated to churches by angels. God using angels to communicate to people doesn’t overly surprise me though I’m curious about how this actually happens when there is not an angelic vision. What caught my attention if I’m reading between the lines correctly is that John, a man, somehow through writing the letter was passing on information or instruction to angels. To me this is a facinating thought!

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