Congregational Potluck: 2/23
Join us after service next Sunday February 23rd for our monthly potluck. Please bring a dish to contribute as we share a meal with one another.
March Prayer Meeting: 3/5, 7pm
We will gather on Wednesday, February 5th at 7 pm for our monthly church-wide prayer service. Small groups will not meet that week.
Sunday Morning Prayer, 9:15am
Join us each week at 9:15 am before service as we pray for our congregation and our community. We meet in the room at the top of the stairs to the right. Contact Johonna McCants with any questions.
Eugene Brown Video:
Founder and CEO of Deanwood’s Big Chair Chess Club, Eugene Brown, spoke at Peace this past Sunday as part of our Black History Month Celebration. Mr. Brown’s work has recently been featured in the movie Life of A King. See the video of his visit by clicking here.
New Members Class:
We will have a New Members Class beginning in March for those interested in becoming members of Peace Fellowship. The class will run over the course of 5 Sundays at 9:15am and include:
- History of Peace Fellowship’s founding
- Discussion of the church’s mission
- Elaboration of Peace’s core values
- Overview of the Church Constitution & By Laws
- Sharing of testimonies
- Exploration of spiritual gifts
If you would like to join the class, contact Elder Ray McGhee.