Pastoral Search Discussion: 3/23
The pastoral search committee members will be available after service for questions and additional congregational discussion. Please join us as we talk as a church about this important decision in the life of our church!
Congregational Meeting: 3/30
Please mark your calendar! In addition to voting on confirmation of Rev. Ellis as our next Senior Pastor, we will also vote to affirm the following four individuals as elders:
Michelle Prout
Kristi McGhee
Dakota Pippins
Johonna McCants
We will need a quorum for these votes, so we hope that all members are able to attend.
Upcoming Events:
Youth Retreat Postponed; New Date TBD
Help Needed for Worship
—Sunday Worship
Do you love worship, and have a heart to serve the church? Then please consider serving with the Worship Team on Sunday morning! Contact Jason Edwards if you’re interested.
—Palm Sunday/Easter Choir
Interested in joyfully celebrating the end of the Lenten season? Consider being a part of our next seasonal choir ensemble! No experience necessary, just a desire to worship our risen Lord through song! A sign-up sheet is located in the front of the church building.
Childcare Volunteers Needed
Our Childcare Ministry is growing incredibly! Right now, it is filled with adorable children who need a bit more supervision! We are in need of 1 preschool teacher and many more assistants! Please contact Danielle Bedlion if you’d like to volunteer one Sunday per month! In addition, there will be a training session for all involved with the childcare ministry on Sunday May 4th, after service.
Eunah’s Support Network:
A support Network is being set up to help Eunah and her family as she begins treatment for cancer. If you’ like to sign up to take meals, give her children rides, or run errands, you can join the network by clicking this link. Contact Elder Dave Cho for more information.